Please Read This First!

To the right is a short description/offer for the Super Productive Powerfunnels Book and Program. That program contains the whole theory and explanations of the basic philosophy behind the Super Productive Powerfunnel system.

You can find out more by clicking the "Get The Full Program" button below the content to the right.

That program is not included within the Powerfunnels Tool found on the Taskdais website - Here! Although we recommend all value producers to go through that program, it isn't necessary to make use of the Powerfunnels Tool.

The Powerfunnels Tool takes you through that process without having to go through the full program or read the book. The tool takes you through the whole process and gives basic instruction along the way for each step.

What Is The Purpose of The Tool?

The Powerfunnels Tool provides a way to take your most ambitious dream and turn it into a vision. Then takes you through a process to realize the vision, or dream. To bring it into reality.

Although a dream could be said to be a vision, the vision step is there to reword the dream and make it more of a tangible reality rather than the more obscure dream. The subsequent steps then tranform that vision into practical steps to realize and then experience the dream.

But as a starting point, you may like to read the full sales page of the Super Productive Powerfunnels Program as it will give you the fundamental idea of what can be achieved through going through the program of which this tool is a part of.

What Is A Powerfunnel?

A Powerfunnel is a transformative concept derived from the frequently cited adage, "The light at the end of the tunnel," a phrase traditionally used to symbolize hope and improvement after enduring a difficult period. This quote has permeated society for years, suggesting that perseverance through challenging times ultimately leads to better days.

To adapt this saying into a more actionable principle, we've rephrased it to: "Bring the light at the end of the tunnel to you!" This updated statement empowers you to not passively wait for or endure hardships to find relief or success. Instead, it encourages you to proactively shorten the distance between yourself and your aspirations.

The Powerfunnel philosophy revolutionizes the conventional view, urging you to actively manage the journey towards your goals, thereby making success accessible in the present rather than a distant possibility. With a Powerfunnel, you redefine the pathway to your dreams of success and achievement as immediate and within your control—effectively bringing the light, the symbol of your aspirations, into the now.

Click the button to the right and read the sales letter as a starting point to get a better idea of the promise. Then continue reading below for the fundamental process.

Super Productive Powerfunnels: Bring The Light At The End Of The Tunnel To You!

Your gateway to unlocking extraordinary productivity and achieving unparalleled control over every facet of your life.

This comprehensive program is designed to help you break free from the constraints of an ordinary, aimless existence and step boldly into a life of purpose and achievement.

With "Super Productive Powerfunnels," you will learn how to reclaim your decision-making power and set personal goals that reflect your true desires, not those imposed by society.

This program guides you through a series of transformative steps that include eliminating negative habits, mastering effective visualization techniques, and integrating every aspect of your life into a cohesive, manageable plan.

Included in your purchase:

  • The Complete Second Level "Super Productive Powerfunnels" Package with audio/video versions to enhance your learning experience.
  • Three exclusive bonus materials that further expedite your journey to success.
  • Access to a potent new approach to goal-setting that simplifies complex projects and accelerates your progress.

For a limited time only, get this transformative toolkit for just $97, marked down from $497, with a 100% money-back guarantee if not satisfied within 30 days.

 Take control, define your future, and start living your success story today with "Super Productive Powerfunnels." Click the button below to find out more and begin your journey towards a super-productive and fulfilling life!

Get The Complete Program
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Important! Read This Overview carefully Until You Have a Complete Understanding of The System. It is a watered down version of the one included within the tool.

The Taskdais Powerfunnels Ultimate Productivity Planner is designed to help you organize, develop, and prioritize your life categories, areas of purpose or, interest that are important to you. The process takes you through the steps of taking the important aspects of your life in order to develop those areas into 10 life dreams, or category dreams. One dream per life category. For example. You may dream of becoming a world-renowned singer. So, that will become your career dream. The process then takes each of your dreams and takes you through a process of creating a vision for each of your dreams. This is followed by creating projects that will help you move towards your vision. (each of your visions). This will all become clear after you use the system for the first time.

The next step is to create a long list of tasks from your projects (100 max tasks per project), that will help you to complete your projects and move closer to your dreams. 

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Life Categories

Purpose: Define your top 10 life categories. 


  • Enter your top life categories (up to 10), in the provided fields. You may want to brainstorm this part on a piece of paper first.
  • These can include areas such as relationships, career, health, business, specific interests or hobbies, etc.
  • Leave any field empty if you do not want to specify a category. (You may like to try the process with one area of your life to begin with. Choose something simple such as health and fitness, to get you started). See Warning at the bottom of this page!

Step 2: Dreams

Purpose: Define your dreams for each life category.


  • For each life category, describe your ideal dream, outcome, or most ambitious experience you want to have.
  • You can add up to 5 main dreams within a particular life category. Again, it might be better to just choose one in the beginning. You can always go through the process again for other dreams you have in one or more life categories).
  • Leave any field empty if you do not want to specify a dream for that category.

Step 3: Visions

Purpose: Turn your dreams into visions.


  • For each dream, describe your vision or experience of the end result. 
  • Detail what your life looks like in this area, how you feel, how you look, and what you are doing?
  • Additionally, collect images and pictures of each dream.
  • Leave any field empty if you do not want to specify a vision for that dream.

Step 4: Projects

Purpose: Projecting Into The Future.


  • For each vision, provide up to 10 projects that will move you closer to the realization of the vision in question. 
  • Keep the project descriptions simple and clear. 
  • Leave any field empty if you do not want to specify a project for that vision.

Please Note: If you are working on one life category at a time, you may only have a few projects - It's important to test the system out on one life category, to begin with until you get used to the system and realize its power. 

Also, note that this is the system used within the Super Productive Powerfunnels book and program.

Step 5: Tasks

Purpose: Define tasks for each project.


  • For each project, provide 1-75 tasks that correspond to that project. This system is limited to the number of tasks you can create. This is because as you progress through the system you will end up with thousands of tasks. For Example: Each Life Category has 5 dreams (that transform into visions). Each vision has 10 projects. Each project is limited to 75 tasks. That is equal to 3,750 Tasks if you max out one Life Category. So Each Life Category has a potential to include 3,750 tasks. We recommend that you keep to this maximum limitation of 3,750 tasks in total across all 10 Life Categories. This is why we recommend you work on one Life Category first. Before expanding. After many tests which are ongoing, we found that the maximum number of tasks for a 90-day period is approximately 3,750.
  • As before, leave any field empty if you do not want to specify a task for that project.

Please Note: If you find yourself needing more tasks for projects you could use two life categories as one larger category. That would mean that you make 2 life categories into one by calling them, "My Guitar Career Part 1," and, "My Guitar Career Part 2," for example. 

Step 6: Taskdais Powerfunnels

Purpose: Create Taskdais Powerfunnels.


  • Finally, when you click the next button on page 5, all of your tasks will be grouped according to your choice in the last step.
  • Review yourtasks to see a clear path to seeing your projects completed in record time.


There are a few things you should know before you begin.
  1. Every Sunday evening the Taskdais Powerfunnels database will be wiped clean. So complete your Taskdais Powerfunnels by Saturday evening.
  2. This system works on sessions so whenever you clear your browser cache you lose all the content assigned to you when you begin the process. You are free to work on the system any day except sunday evening when the database is cleaned. 
  3. If you decide to do 10 life categories, this will result in 30,000+ tasks. You should aim for a maximum of 3,750 tasks per quarter. Each session.
  4. This system takes you through a process to clarify what you want to achieve and then get things done rapidly. But remember that each project has a maximum of 75 tasks. So if you have 100 projects, that will result in 7,500 tasks. This is far too many to complete in a 90-day period. Try to keep to a maximum of 50 projects (equal to one life category). You can always go through the system again if you finish before the 90-day deadline. Or to add additional Life Categories. If this is the case, remember to clear your browser before beginning again.
  5. We suggest you stick to 90 days as the completion date. As mentioned, you can always go through the system again using a different life category. 
  6. Because this system is designed to get lots done within a life category it is important to stick to just one Life Category (instead of using all 10), unless you are pretty sure you have very few projects and/or tasks within a project to complete.
  7. Start small with a single life category to test the system and see how it works.
  8. If you are working on tasks that require more detailed deadlines and start dates etc. Please consider the main Taskdais Project Management System.
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