It's easy to get started using the Mail Enchanter platform, a powerful and intuitive email marketing solution designed to make your email campaigns simple.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just beginning, Mail Enchanter offers a user-friendly interface and a wealth of features to help you create, manage, and optimize your email marketing efforts. From building your first email list to launching sophisticated campaigns, Mail Enchanter provides the tools and support you need to connect with your audience and achieve your marketing goals.

  1. Create Your First Email List
  2. Add Subscribers to Your List
  3. Create and Send Your First Campaign

Create Your First Email List

To begin sending email campaigns, start by creating your first email list. This list identifies you as the sender, contains your information, and allows you to manage your subscribers effectively. Each list is independent, enabling you to customize it with unique subscribers, forms, pages, and fields.

Add Subscribers to Your Email List

Once your email list is ready, the next step is to import subscribers.

You can Import lists from a CSV file or Databse server. Most people will want to use the CSV option.

  1. In the Left menu, click Lists.
    1. (you should see your new list - If not, you need to create your list first).
  2. Click on your email list Name.
    1. Here you will see; Subscribers, Segments, Custom Fields, Pages, Forms, and Tools.
  3. Click on Tools > Import link options and select your CSV file.
    1. (Read and follow the instructions that open up).
    2. You can also download an example of the CSV formatting.
  4. When you have created your correctly formatted CSV, simply upload it.

Premade Form Page

You may prefer to share a Premade Page Form with your friends and potential subscribers. Here is how to get started using forms to have people subscribe to your list.

  1. In the Left menu, click Lists.
    1. (you should see your new list - If not, you need to create your list first).
  2. Click on your email list Name.
    1. Here you will see; Subscribers, Segments, Custom Fields, Pages, Forms, and Tools.
  3. Click on the Pages link option.
    1. Under the text: Your subscribe form url is: You will see your link and a button to preview the form. 
    2. Your subscribers can subscribe using this form. All you have to do is share the link.

Design Your Own HTML Page

Another option is to copy the code from your subscribe form straight into an HTML web page. Heres how to do that.

  1. In the Left menu, click Lists.
    1. (you should see your new list - If not, you need to create your list first).
  2. Click on your email list Name.
    1. Here you will see; Subscribers, Segments, Custom Fields, Pages, Forms, and Tools.
  3. Click on the Forms link option. Here you will see two options.
    1. You can copy the supplied code straight into your webpage.
    2. Or you can copy the iframe version into an HTML web page.
    3. You can also get a custome page designed and add the code. 
    4. Your subscribers can subscribe using your HTML web page form. All you have to do is share the link.

You may prefer the custom look and decide to design your own web page and form.

If you choose this option, you can select one of out premade forms and change the details in the form to match your form details.

Here are a few examples you can download to get you started.

Download Sample Web Page Forms

You will need to copy and paste the red characters from your premade form (provided within Mail Enchanter), into these predesigned ones. The code that needs changing will look something like this in the custom designed sample forms:

  • action=""
  • name="bad8417e973degshnyHs cfe904cc4ca4"
  • autocomplete="bad8417esijns846335913e3720dcfe904cc4ca4"

You will also need to copy the Site Key from your google captcha dashboard.

  • data-sitekey="6Lf69djsuuTTTHBhsllllss;kGGGrgjfJ_Ne01YJrFKC"

Again, just replace the red characters between the " ". (parenthesis).

Then your custom form will work.



Create and Send a Campaign

After setting up your list and adding subscribers, it’s time to create your first campaign. Select the list you want to use and optionally choose a segment from it. You can either add a new template for this campaign or use an existing one.

Make sure to test your campaign thoroughly before sending it out. This is crucial to ensure everything looks and functions correctly.

To test your campaign's spam score, use the available tools provided.

Once everything is in order, send your campaign and enjoy detailed, real-time statistics to track its performance.